1 Reviews

Shorkie Puppies! Best way to contact me is to copy & paste@myshorkiepups


(269) 625-8801

About My Business

At Shorkie Puppies, I am raising shorkie & shih tzu puppies in the comfort of my home. I give them all the love, attention they need. Then I find them loving & caring homes. I love the reward of families being happy, excited to be getting a loving knew fur baby. Please get in touch with via the form below for ...

As caring, professional and reputable dog breeder I follow recommended guidelines that ensure my dogs have loving temperaments – they simply can’t wait to meet their new owners! If you treat your new dog with love and respect, they will do the same back. I am dedicated to doing my best for my dogs and, of course, ...

My beautiful puppies are eager and ready for their new homes. They are playful, energetic and will need a lot of love and attention when they move in. I take the time and care necessary to breed puppies that will truly make you smile. With years of experience behind me, you can trust me to deliver every time.

Happy Customers

Lauren Oatmen

I got a puppy from Sunny, named Zola, and we love our little girl so much. Sunny was very good at getting back to me with all of the information I needed and made this process very enjoyable. I love how much she cares for all of the puppies and makes sure they all have loving homes. I would highly recommend getting a shorkie, they are the sweetest little things! 


1 Reviews

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Jun 2, 2021
Andrew & Sunny Musselman

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